Sunday, January 20, 2013

How can I be a true disciple of Jesus?

There was a disciple of Jesus who had left everything to follow Him. He was a man full of the Holy Spirit and was a reference in his generation. However, during his ministry, the church was going through severe persecution. There was an evil king, who was ruling during the disciple’s ministry. He had one of the disciples’ friend put to death with the sword and he proceeded to arrest the disciple of Jesus. During his time in prison, the church was earnestly praying to God for him. The night before the disciple’s judgment before the court, he was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, with more guards at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell.

Before we finish the story, I would like to invite you to think about Jesus' invitation for us to be disciples of Him. When Jesus approaches Simon (Peter) by the Sea of Galilee (Luke 5:1-11), he invites him to come and follow him. It sounds like a simple message, but it requires sacrifice by embracing some disciplines. To be a true disciple of Jesus today we need to ask the Lord's help so we can fulfill the following:
1- Listen to his voice
2- Obey his word.
3-Recognize who you are and who he is
4- Follow him by leaving everything
5- Make Christ-like disciples

Now, lets finish the story we started... The angel told the disciple to quick get up, and the chains fell of the disciple’s hand. The disciple followed the angel out of the prison. He wasn’t it was a dream or a vision but he continue to follow the angel by passing through those soldiers. Finally he found himself back to the city and he realized the Lord had sent an angel to save him just before his trial. He went back to the where the church was gathered together and when he knocked the door and a servant who answered the door, left him hanging there while she went to tell the others that were inside. The church thought she was out of her mind; however she kept insisting and they thought it was his angel, they thought he probably had died. However, the disciple kept knocking in the door until they finally opened. He came in the midst and quietly explained what had happened and how the Lord had brought him out of prison and then he left. That was the last time that Peter is described in the Acts narrative. The disciple of Jesus, who left everything to follow Jesus, was miraculously saved and was able to serve the Lord even in the midst of suffering. Are you ready today to be a true disciple of Jesus?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I am in it to end the movement of human trafficking!

As I am writing this I have been overwhelmed by the response of friends in my generation regarding human trafficking. Last week I was able to participate in a conference called passion where we were encouraged to unify our voices to end human trafficking. We raised more than 3 million dollars to help several orgazinations that are passionate about serving the Lord and are combating human trafficking!

The issue of modern-day slavery has been affecting an estimated of 27 million of people who find themselves oppressed and are living in the shadows. This is the largest number of slaves in human history. 

On Sunday night, our church held a special worship service. It was a little different since we used arts, poetry, and dance to be reminded of others that are living in the shadows. We joined voices with Art4Abolition ( whose passion involves in raising awareness about human trafficking and modern-day slavery.

We had an amazing time celebrating a God who has called us to experience freedom. There is no freedom apart from Him and we cannot be ambassadors of freedom apart from Him. Therefore, we must be filled with God's Spirit in order to go out and make an impact in life of others that have been oppressed, abused, or that may simply need a word of encouragement. May we provide a song of freedom to others and may we glorify the Lord by offering our lives back to him!

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen (Ephesians 3:20-21)."