We live in a society today marked by its traces of consumerism. The issue of economics show our human weakness in deal with money. Jesus presented in his sermon, a deliverance message that challenges us to live accordingly to his will in every single area of our lives, including economics.
One way that one can be infected with the “affluenza” is by having a selfish and individualistic mindset. Our society, often times want to consume materialistic possessions to meet a specific and selfish need. This issue carries another way that we are also often infected in our society: The vicious cycle of always wanting more. I believe these two issues are correlated because one will never be satisfied with their needs. In other words, our selfish desires cannot be met by the materials this world has to offer.
Another way that we are affected, mainly the newer generation, is by the great appealing of the media in our society. There are many kinds of advertising; they can be seen in the television, newspaper, internet and even in school. A growing audience that has been impacted by the power of the media is the children. There is appealing of the media that represents the “children market”, which has a lot to do with their empiricism. They often time see the parents, who live it up this logic of a capitalistic and consumer society, that is never content with their material possessions. The media plays out a great impact in our society and especially in the lives of children because it is always so appealing by announcing new products that make us believe we always need to be update regarding materialistic possessions.
Finally, we are frequently exposed to peer pressure. Not only in economics, but several times we seek to be accepted in our society by accomplish certain things that will perhaps draws us near to our neighbor. We want to demonstrate them that we are aware of the “market updates” concerning our possession and belongings and that we are special in the same way as they are.
By observing and living out the words and examples of Jesus we can overcome the affluenza in our life. Jesus is very clear in his sermon that we are able to follow him and his kingdom if we are willing to seek a reorientation in our minds and hearts, that has also to do if economics; “Because we are disciples of Jesus and are invested in his eschatological project it naturally follows that we reorient our lives in every area, including economic life” (Stassen & Gushee 411). Therefore, like any other issue, economics also requires a willingness to be changed from the inside out through the power of the Holy Scriptures.
The words of Jesus related to economics can be found on Matthew 6:19-24. According to our authors we can grasp three important imperatives from this text: “do not worry…look…consider” (Stassen & Gushee 412). Jesus words had so much impact in the lives of his disciples because Jesus had authority to teach, to preach, to rebuke, etc. Such authority reflected Jesus wholeness and that makes his message extremely powerful not only in that context but in our economic situation today. Jesus invites us to identify our lives with his life and message, by allowing our hearts to trust and therefore not worry about the things this world tells us we should pursue. Of course, we still have to work hard and seek for a good position in terms of professional vocation, but our hearts, which is the core of our existence, should be rooted in love for God and love for our neighbor.
Pursuing the will of Christ help us to discern what material things we really need. God is a provider God who is attemptive to our needs. In his sermon, Jesus uses the example of fauna and flora to express his care for his children. “In looking at the provision God majestically offers for the flora and fauna we are called away from anxiety to trust in God the Creator-Sustainer-Reedemer” (Stassen & Gushee 413). Therefore, by learning from Christ message we are able to rely in Him. We can trust that he will supply and that we should not let things this world has to offer to corrupt our minds and hearts.
Stassen, Glen Harold, and David P. Gushee. Kingdom ethics: following Jesus in contemporary context. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2003. Print.
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