Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Our mission in proximity to the culture!

Our mission to make disciples and its relationship with the Millennials (Emerging Generation).

What are some words to describe our culture in North America?

- Consumer
- Digital
- Complex
- Different
- Fast-pace
- Connected
- Disconnected
- Diverse

- We live in an increasingly complex and sophisticated society. People are constantly bombarded by opportunities, challenges, and choices (Barna)
- The emerging generation do not need to go to the store to buy music, they also do not need to purchase magazines to access pornography; therefore, they are questioning if they need to go to the church in order to experience Jesus (Kinnaman)

1 Samuel 3 (Eli’s example)

“Reversing the 59%” (*dropped out of attending church, after going regularly)

1 – Meaningful Relationships – Love them, connect with them, being intentional.
2 – Cultural Discernment – Be aware of what’s going on (proximity)
3 – Reverse Mentoring – Don’t come with the answer but be sensitive to the voice of the Spirit. Answer their questions!
4 – Vocational Discipleship (Calling) – Invest time, resources into their calling (ex. Science)
5 – Voice of God – Instruct them to listen to the voice of God.